GospelFit THANKSgiving Diet Challenge Day 20 ~ Brothers and Sisters in Christ Shining Light

Day 20 – 1 Corinthians 1:4-5 (NIV) 4 I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. 5 For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge—

   In this verse Paul is talking to the church in Corinth and thanking them for being who they are. They are holy people calling on the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. These believers are living the Gospel and are a supportive community of brothers and sisters in Christ.

I have been blessed with so many brothers and sisters in Christ. While the simply knowing that the my entire faith community is aligned in support of the Gospel, the individual connections are what supports me most. Each one is a light in my life. Of course, there are so many people who are a part of my church family that lift me up and bless me on a regular basis. In this group, I count those who I’m closest too along with those who simply call my name and give me a kiss and hug as a part of Sunday fellowship. To be honest, I don’t even remember the names of some of those loving on me. Yet, they know my name and are quick to share the love. I so appreciate this because it demonstrates that even these loose connections are ties that bind.

I have developed closer connections with many. There are the church folk I speak to most and who may know more details of the goings on in my life and who can offer a Word from the Lord are truly a blessing. God has also blessed me with people in my work and social life who know the Lord and will unite with me in praise, worship and prayer. To be blessed by having brothers and sisters in Christ wherever I am is truly incredible.

I’ve even been able to build relationships with other sisters and brothers in Christ through social media. This GospelFit 21 Day THANKSgiving Diet is evidence of that truth. I don’t know how connecting with Gillian and Aqua would have happened any other way. We were able to each sit in the comfort of our own homes in different time zones, we are able to share and build this effort. While the goal of this THANKSgiving Diet is to involve others in the practice of being thankful and grateful, we received additional benefit. We were able to build relationship with each other and have new sisters-in-Christ to support our efforts and mission of uplift the Lord. How thankful I am for the Lord guiding all of our steps to work with one another.


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